Balanced Literacy…….this is my bible, my baby, what I TRULY BELIEVE IN…..when it comes to teaching kiddos how to read. If you do nothing else in your classroom…..use balanced literacy. Seriously. So what is it? Balanced literacy is simply that…..a balanced approach to teaching children how to read and write. Children are highly engaged in the reading and writing process. The teacher facilitates their learning using different approaches that include whole group, small group and individual instruction.
So what are the components of a good great FANTASTIC balanced literacy program? Here's the list: Read Aloud, Shared Reading, Guided Reading, Independent Reading, Shared Writing, Interactive Writing, Independent Writing. Today's blog will focus on the Reading Part of Balanced Literacy:
Read Alouds
Why should teachers read aloud to children? First of all, because they love it! What better way to teach children to love reading than to read good quality literature to them? They get engaged in the story, they laugh, they look forward to that quiet time when they just sit and listen to a good book. But during this time we also teach children that there is a purpose for reading…we can read for enjoyment and we can read to learn new things. We show them different strategies to help them comprehend a story. We teach them how to use clues in the story to figure out unknown words and new vocabulary. And…..we teach them how to listen.
I think the key in reading aloud is choosing quality books that have great story elements – a great plot, engaging characters, rich vocabulary, interesting settings. When you choose books like this, you can draw the children in and then WHAMMO!! teaching them reading strategies becomes easy. After reading a story aloud, this is when I introduce concepts like plot, characters and setting. We compare stories using venn diagrams and T charts, we list the characters and the setting. Basically we talk about the elements of the story and why they are important to our comprehension.
Aaric says